Our comprehensive suite of innovative and competitive cloud-based software solutions are guaranteed to streamline your recruitment process.
With real-time tracking, you can effectively mitigate risk and gain detailed intelligence on future, valued employees in your organisation.

Used and trusted by over 4000+ organizations and companies
Background check & screening solutions
Background check & screening solutions
Comprehensive background Screening

We are about helping you build trust.

See how our platform provides simply better background screening for organisations of all sizes.

Our Dots Africa team is constantly going above and beyond to set a new standard of excellence in the industry by exploring new ways to provide effective screening solutions that deliver real value to all our clients. Our platform and software solutions are FAST, SEAMLESS  & EASY-TO-USE (+ there are no hidden costs).

What  makes Dots Africa different.

Cross device
data accessibility

Our cloud based platform enables users access to records and the ability to perform checks easily on any device you happen to have in front of you, and your data is synchronized in real time.

Browse Risk Management Packages
What  makes Dots Africa different.

Digital consent for even faster screening

We put the power back in your hands by supporting a host of methods of attaining consent which is both compliant with the NCR and ensures all personal information is protected through out the process.

Browse Risk Management Packages
What  makes Dots Africa different.

Digital consent for even faster screening

We put the power back in your hands by supporting a host of methods of attaining consent which is both compliant with the NCR and ensures all personal information is protected through out the process.

Browse Risk Management Packages
Let’s Get Started

Start with background screening  to build trust.

Everything done simpler, better and faster.
Get started
Interactive Reports
Background check results with
real-time data accessed at impressive speeds.

Our  interactive background check reports deliver results of every check you need in the quickest time possible, anything quicker we haven’t heard or seen it yet. Communicate with teammates, co-workers, candidates and even Dots Africa support staff, all in one place. No need to open multiple tabs, synchronise all your communication under one platform.

Management Dashboards
More than just background checks, scan important notifications and data.

Monitor key performance indicators at a glance with our information dashboards giving you timely information about required actions and running costs suited to admins and general users of all sizes and mandates.

360 Analytics
Risk exposure & cost analysis designed to give you control.

Large organizations benefit from our analytics by monitoring all background check usage, cost and risk exposure. Our selection of visual graphs and tables organize flat check statistics in a no hassle easy to read interface.

What separates Dots360
What separates Dots360
Run a Check
All required information in one place.
  1. Select "Run Check". Provide the required information.
  2. Request consent by selecting the type of consent you prefer, and Submit.
Get In Touch
Checks Required Widget
My Candidate Widget
Track Every Check
Make sure every check is within it’s SLA.
  1. We give you the ability to “TRACK” each check, know it’s progress and receive on-time results.
Get In Touch
3rd Parties can verify all your Dots360 reports (for free)

Prefer an extra layer of authenticity & credibility?

Our Dots Africa team is constantly going above and beyond to set a new standard of excellence in the industry by exploring new ways to provide effective screening solutions that deliver real value to all our clients.

Our platform and software solutions are FAST, SEAMLESS  & EASY-TO-USE (+ there are no hidden costs).

Give your fingers a real break

Fingerprint capturing made simple with DotsTouch.

More simpler then taking off handcuffs (Trust Us).

Unlimited capture
One access
Two-way authentication
Seamless login


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